Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Sweet Girl

Having a daughter that is just like me in so many ways teaches me a lot about myself. Avalynn is a very very smart girl but she is still a wonderful 3 year old. For awhile my sweet girl made me want to pull my hair out. We were having a tough time getting her and myself through any task with out one or both of us very frustrated and on the verge of tears. This girl of mine is just like me only I'm the one who should know how to control and express my emotions with gentleness and calm. Yet I was acting like 3 year old who is still trying to learn what her emotions are and what they all mean. My sweet girl has taught me how to truly be a calm and gentle person and parent. She is watching me to learn how to deal with her emotions so that means I have to actually do what it is I want her to do. We have had great weeks of no freak outs on either end. Yes we both have our moments but we talk through what is happening and say sorry if we need to. It's been a great transition that I am so glad we got to and through.

Avalynn has really been enjoying learning. We have had a wonderful time going over the ABC's. She loves to watch the little music videos all about her letter of the week. She has recently started rhyming words together. She pretends to read the news and likes to "make great music" (that's what she tells me) with her pencil. She has become a very compassionate little 3 year old and I hope she continues to be as she gets older. I'm so very excited that she has such of love for learning. I am very blessed to have such a sweet girl to call me mommy.

Treyton's Next Step

We had our meeting to get everything set up for Treyton's next evaluation. This evaluation will be more involved then the last. We will have a speech pathologist and a developmental therapist come to our house to do the evaluation. I am very glad we are able to have to assessment done in our home. I believe this will make it so much easier to get a true read on where his over all development is at. As soon as we are done with the evaluation we will have a meeting to go over what the assessments the two specialists and our service coordinator have done. This will tell us if we are going to be enrolled into the Early Intervention program further or if we just need to do a few more things with him on our own. In order for us to be accepted into the program Treyton has to have a 30% or higher delay in one of his developmental areas. As much as I would like for us to get a little help with developing Treyton's speech I really hope that we don't get accepted because that would mean Treyton doesn't have a 30%or higher delay and that would be amazing. I am very happy with our experience that we have had with everyone at the Family and Child Connection and Early Intervention office. They have all been extremely nice and helpful. They have worked very fast get everything done for us so that if Treyton needs to be fully enrolled into the EI program we can get it done sooner rather then later. I am very anxious to see what our next evaluation will say but in the mean time we will continue to do exactly what we have been doing to help Treyton to learn to talk.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Weekend fun

What a good weekend. Avalynn and daddy stole my phone and took lots of pictures. We colored and watched Lion King or king lion as Avalynn likes to call it a million times. And Treyton stole lots of drinks of coffee.

Treyton's evaluation went well. He is in the concerned area for his communication development all other areas he is at or above his age group. So that means we had the choice to either just monitor him or have a referral to a speech pathologist for another more in depth evaluation. We decided that we are going to go ahead and have the pathologist do another evaluation. We will hopefully hear back from them by the end of the week to get that all set up.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Anxious Week

This week I have been a nervous wreck about Treyton's development evaluation. Every time I think about it I get huge knots in my stomach. Even now just typing the words development evaluation makes me anxious. I know taking him is going to be the best thing for all of us. So that we can all learn together how to help him learn to talk. However taking him also makes me feel like I have failed him in some way. I keep going over in my mind what I could have done different. I know in my heart that I haven't done anything wrong but convincing my head of that has proven to be tough. I love my kids more then any thing in the world and want nothing but the best for them so that is why I decided I need to make the appointment in the fist place. Monday will be the day we find out what more we can do to help Treyton. I have a feeling once we getting started talking he won't ever stop. I am excited about hearing him tell me what he is thinking or to hear him sing me a song. He already does these things in his own little language that I can't understand. I am very ready to hear my little man tell me he loves me with words. He shows me a million times a day already. I am ready to hear him make up stories with his big sister. I am sure they will be very interesting stories. He is already so smart I can't wait to see him become even smarter. I am trusting God with this and I know everything is going to be fine. Please be praying for us on Monday. I'm sure my nerves will be crazy and I'm wanting to be calm so that Treyton will be calm.