Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ways to Cut Spending and Environmental Impact

         We live on a very limited income and honestly some days I'm not sure how we do it. We don't buy a lot of extras. We live simply and simply live. That's kind of been our motto lately and we love it. We do some things that help cut our spending buy hundreds of dollars and helps keep our environmental impact to a minimum.   Here are some ways we do that. 
1.  No Paper Products 
   We don't buy paper products to just throw a way. We only use real plates and cloth. Yes we do dishes all the time but we don't have as much trash and I don't feel like I'm throwing my money away with each mess I have to clean up (which is a lot with littles). 
2. Cloth Diapers
   We use cloth diapers and wipes. Again I'm not throwing money away with every diaper I change or changed since both Avalynn and Treyton are potty trained. Using cloth diapers and wipes has saved us so much money. Now I don't have our exact savings but on average a family can save about $2000 from birth to potty training per kid by using cloth. I've spent maybe $200 on diapers in the last 3 1/2 years and I don't have to buy more for a 3rd kid if and when that happens!
3. Make All Cleaning Supplies
   We don't buy cleaning products at all. For one all the chemicals make me nervous with littles in the house. For two they are expensive without using coupons. I make all of our cleaning supplies myself. So easy by the way. Vinegar and baking soda are the best things I've used to clean everything and if the kids get ahold of the spray bottle I don't have to be worried they are going to be poisoned. 
4. Home Cooked Meals
    We eat at home. For us to spend $30 to eat out is about 3 meals (if not more) at home. We try to buy local as much as possible. Going to the farmer's markets helps us find really good organic fruits and veggies at a very good price. Buying local and at farmer's markets is easier in a bigger city but small towns have these things too you just have to look for them. Planning meals helps us know what we can have for dinner. We don't plan each day just because we never know what that day is going to be like and if we will really feel like spending a lot of time or a little time in the kitchen. Having a plan that is flexible has helped us stick to our meals that we have ingredients for. 

I love that we are saving money but we are also helping decrease our "footprint" on the earth. Yes I realize that sounds very "hippie" and I'm okay with that. We are a little one the "hippie" side whatever that really means. 
   What are some ways you are saving money in your day to day life?