What an exciting time of change for our family!?
We have been feeling like we needed a change for a few months now and we were pretty sure that was going to involve moving back to Indiana. So we started praying and meditating on it and decided we were going to start looking for a job for Tony. We were getting kinda discouraged with the job options. Tony randomly decided to call the factory that he had worked at in the past. He was immediately told yeah we have a spot for you. We now had to find a place to live. Tony's mom just happened to have breakfast with a friend that owns rental property and somehow it came up that we were looking. We had a place to live a day after we started looking! We will be moving our family mid March back to Indiana. We are very excited with this step in the direction of our dream of having our little self sufficient farm.
Tony will be working as a machinist for a company that manufactures parts for CAT. I will continue to stay at home with the kids and further my doula business. We will continue to enjoy doing many things outside as a family. The kids are very excited about being close to family again!
We have made many friends in Peoria that will be life long friends and that have helped us grow to who we are today. We have loved our time here in Peoria and will never forget it.
We are completely at peace with our next adventure and are so thankful to God for providing everything exactly when they were needed.
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